Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sexy Mullah 2006 - Qazi Husain Ahmad

The results are out and after much deliberation and a tight count of votes, Qazi Husain Ahmad stands tall as the winner of the first-ever Sexy Mullah competition. He has rightfully and legitimately earned the title : Sexy Mullah 2006.

Most voters were decisively lured with the look in his eyes, while others like Rev.Blogger took an instant liking to his "sexy Hitleresk mustache". Yet some voted for him on the basis of his "Santa Clause" beard. Representing all the sexiness one desires from a mullah, Qazi Husain Ahmad won an overwhelming show of support by our voters. Qazi Sahib has also put an old debate to shambles. Many in Pakistan have always wondered in fantasy about the results of pitching all the mullahs against each other in order to see who would take the lead. However, the results of Sexy Mullah 2006 competition clearly shows that Qazi Sahib will always have a clear lead from any regular run-of-the-mill mullah, simply on the basis of his six feet tall sexiness.

Many supporters of Maulana Fazl-ur Rahman and Professor Khurshid Ahmad may find these results disappointing. However, we bare no responsibility if these results have any impact on the upcoming reshuffle in MMA or if they ultimately force Maulana Fazl-ur Rahman to step down from the leadership of the Opposition bench in the National Assembly.

Also, please note that we maintained the same level of clean and fair voting process as the one witnessed in Pakistan's election of 2002. Ironically, quite like this small competition, those results also turned favorable for Qazi Husain on a much larger scale. Till next year's competition, please join us in congragulating Qazi Sahib in becoming Pakistan's first-ever Sexy Mullah for the year 2006.

(C) 2006-2007. Sexy Mullah is copyrighted under Murgha of the Day. Please feel free to use this term but give due credit to us.

WARNING: This is the only legitimate site that runs Sexy Mullah every year. Those who are found in running their own private pageants for the mullahs may suffer the similar wrath of mullahs as we recently faced. We are not responsible for any non-sexy results.


At 5/09/2006 4:49 AM,

I am glad that the Sexy Mullah election "maintained the same level of clean and fair voting process as the one witnessed in Pakistan's election of 2002." This means Qazi Hussain Ahmed better follow the Musharraf line, or risk being replaced by an ISI/Military crony at any time, one whom might even have a sexier mustache shiny with premium ghee and corruption.  

Posted by Rev.Blogger


At 5/09/2006 3:00 PM,

hahaha! you are an absolutely excellent writer of satire! i've hardly come across anyone else who is as skilled at making people laugh their heads off through their writing, as you!
Just an idea... you could have similar contests for our Choudary brothers, the top generals, and so many other people. But nothing can beat the Mullahs.
Thanks for ligtening up my mood! 

Posted by dreamer


At 5/09/2006 3:06 PM,

hahaha! you are an absolutely excellent writer of satire! I have hardly come across any one else who, through his writing, has the ability to make people laugh their heads off!
Just an idea... you could hold similar contests for our Choudary brothers, out top Generals, and so many other people! You could even have BB, Nawaz Sharif, Qazi Sahib and Gen Musharraff against each other. But nothing can beat the Sexy Mullah contest!
Thanks for lightening up my day! 

Posted by dreamer


At 5/09/2006 3:07 PM,

ahem! sorry for the two comments... I wrote the first one but it didnt show up, so I had to write it again...


At 5/10/2006 2:54 AM,

WARNING: This is the only legitimate site that runs Sexy Mullah every year. Those who are found in running their own private pageants for the mullahs may suffer the similar wrath of mullahs as we recently faced. We are not responsible for any non-sexy result 

hahhha,Abrar you rock!!

I second Chuadhry Contest and note down my vote.Its for mighty loca James Bond-007(Ch.Shujat). 

Posted by Adnan Siddiqi


At 6/02/2006 7:28 PM,

You sad sad person, do u have nothing better in life to do than to make a place for urself in hell??!! Im disgusted by your sense of humour 

Posted by Anonymous


At 8/18/2006 4:10 AM,

Bravo! keep up the good work Abrar. Well Mr.Anonymous Celebrating Independence is one thing, feeling it and excersing it is another. 

Posted by Well Known


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